Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The one about coffee and tea

hi there...i am writing you from the far off land of.....COLORADO....ooohhhh aaaahhhh.....anyways...i have been thinking lately about how much i love tea.....i basically have it every day.....the way that i unsually enjoy it is in my Nalgene water bottle.....i fill it up in the morning for my day at work and i plop a tea bag right in and presto...tea-flavored water....it has really helped me in my quest to drink more water because....let's admit it....water is kinda boring......so i have tea-water....GENIUS.....my other favorite way is to go to starbucks and order a:

single tea bag earl grey (one tea bag for a venti=saved money for wendy)
with an inch or so of soy milk
and 6 honey packets

it is like liquid deliciousness....even if you aren't a tea fan you will probably enjoy this....now i don't drink coffee for many reasons but i have come up with a few scenarios in which i would allow myself to enjoy a cup or two.....

Scenario #1:
if i was ever on the trail in the wilderness like a real cowboy....you know trackin' injuns or herding cattle.....stuff like that....a cup of coffee would definetely be in order then

Scenario # 2:
if i went to europe....particularly france or italy....i would require myself to sit in a little cafe and sip cappuccino or some delicious cultural coffee....if there is such a thing

so there they are...the 2 situations when i would drink coffee....but until then i will stick to my tea....so what is your preference...coffee or tea?

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